You’ve been seeing results ALL over the world from our delicious, addictive weight loss teas and meal replacements! Now it’s time for you enjoy the taste and secure some of your own results! Everything is dedicated to helping you become healthier, increasing your energy, and making life more convenient for you in the kitchen. Feel your best and LOOK your best all while experiencing the deliciousness of Shake Sum products.
Welcome friends! Here is where you will drop MOST of your weight. Shake Sum products are here to lead you right into your BEST body. Happy shopping!
Your Distributor
Hey family and friends. I am God Body Tealy. I personally have been using Shake Sum products for 5 years now, and it’s been EXTREMELY effective as far as my weight loss journey. The first go around, I was able to lose 70lbs naturally drinking Shake Sum tea, taking our fat burner pills, and drinking meal replacements. Last year, I got pregnant and gained more than half of that weight back. Now I have a beautiful, chunky, 8 month old babygirl. I started my “mommy snapback” 8 weeks after giving birth, and I’ve been working out everyday with @kofvirtualtraining. It hasn’t been easy to say the least, but my Result City Protein, Shake Sum metabolism teas, and my favorite blueberry cake batter meal replacements keep me motivated because I’m seeing results all over again. It’s a great feeling too! To all my new mommies checking in, congratulations mama!! It is NEVER too late to get back on track or to start your weight loss journey. You can drop that baby weight sis!! Trust me. I’m doing it all over again, and I’m more excited than the first time because now I have someone looking up to me. A happy, healthy mom is what my goal is.